Need to get in touch with an active member of our team for technical support or general inquiry about our programs?
Check us out below!
Dave is our head honcho in charge of overseeing operations for Byte Camp. He is the founder of Byte Camp and has been a dedicated part of Byte Camp since its conception.
For general company inquiries and programming opportunities, Dave is the go-to person.
Executive Director
Dave Hlannon
dave@bytecamp.ca || 1-888-808-BYTE (2983) ext 1
Alix is our company technology manager and handles all of our software, OS, and technology requirements.
Alix will be able to help you with any inquiry about any of the software we use, and she will be able to answer inquiries regarding Vancouver Island's programs, and can discuss possible Workshops and After School Opportunities in your area.
Tech Manager
Alix Voorthuyzen
alix@bytecamp.ca || 1-888-808-BYTE (2983) ext 2